Blog Articles

5 Tips to Care for Your Baby’s Smile

5 Tips to Care for Your Baby’s Smile

In National Smile Month, we focus on gorgeous and healthy smiles — and that starts early in life. When your baby’s still an infant, even before their first tooth erupts, it’s the ideal time to start taking care of their smile.
Jun 13th, 2024

Is My Child Too Young for a Dental Crown?

When you think of dental crowns — restorations that cover the whole tooth — you probably think of adult dentistry. While it’s true that dental crowns are more common in adults, they’re also a viable option for children. But, how young is too young?
May 20th, 2024
Early Signs of Tooth Decay in Baby Teeth

Early Signs of Tooth Decay in Baby Teeth

Seeing spots, discoloration, or other changes in your child’s baby teeth? It might be an early indicator of tooth decay. Identifying and treating this problem now can help you put your child back on track for good oral health as they grow.
Apr 4th, 2024
My Child Lost Their First Tooth — Now What?

My Child Lost Their First Tooth — Now What?

Losing your first tooth was probably an exciting event as a kid — but now, as a parent, watching your child lose a tooth can be a bit scary because you’re not sure what to do next. The good news is you only need to do a few simple things.
Feb 14th, 2024

Does My Child Really Need a Dentist?

Many parents wonder how important dental care really is when their child is going to lose their baby teeth anyway. It’s a good question — and fortunately, there’s a clear-cut answer.
Jan 10th, 2024
How to Tell When Your Child Needs Braces

How to Tell When Your Child Needs Braces

Did you know that you can predict teeth alignment and bite problems as early as age 6 or 7? Paying attention to potential problems early can help you tell whether your child needs braces. The signs are easier to recognize than you may think. 
Dec 5th, 2023

How Often Should Kids Be Getting Fluoride Treatments?

You probably already know that fluoride is a good thing for tiny teeth. But, many parents aren’t sure about the details, like how it works and how often children need fluoride treatments. Here’s what you need to know.
Oct 2nd, 2023
Does My Child Need a Mouthguard for Sports?

Does My Child Need a Mouthguard for Sports?

Playing sports can increase your child’s risk of dental trauma or injuries. But, every situation and child is unique, so you might be wondering if a mouthguard is really needed for your child’s safety during sports. Read on to find out.
Sep 1st, 2023

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Child’s Teeth

The old adage “you are what you eat” is true for all ages — particularly when it comes to your child’s dental health. The right foods can help your child avoid cavities, so you need to know both the best and worst foods for your child's teeth.
Jul 12th, 2023